Post Cruise Eternal Rome Tour from Civitavecchia

Private Chauffeur-Driven Post Cruise Tour from Civitavecchia to Rome

Payment method:Cash, Paypal, Credit card

starting time:8:00 AM


  • Trevi Fountain
  • Spanish Steps
  • Piazza Navona
  • Saint Peter's Square
  • Piazza della Rotonda (outside view of Pantheon)
  • Capitoline Hill with a view of the Roman Forum
  • Colosseum Square
  • Basilica of Saint Paul Outside the Walls
  • (* the order of the sites you visit will vary)


  • Private Deluxe vehicle
  • Personal English speaking Chauffeur
  • Italy's VAT Tax
  • Highway Tolls, parking fees

not included

  • Lunch
  • Admission Tickets
  • Gratuities
  • Private Licensed Tour Guides
  • Personal client expenses




For 1 - 4 participants from Civitavecchia to Rome hotel:  600 EUROS
For 5 - 6 participants from Civitavecchia to Rome hotel:  650 EUROS
For 7 - 8 participants from Civitavecchia to Rome hotel:  800 EUROS


  • Please NOTE:  This tour does NOT include visits inside the Vatican, Colosseum, or Pantheon. The Colosseum and Pantheon can be viewed from the outsideThis tour is NOT customizable.

    If you wish to visit the Colosseum, Vatican, or Pantheon please book our  Post Cruise Rome On Your Own tour instead.

  • You may also do a PRICE CHECK using the form on this page.
    Please read the LUGGAGE INFO below
  • Please include your Rome Hotel Name and Address in the Message Box of the booking form.
  • This Post Cruise Tour is valid with a drop-off at a hotel accommodation in Rome. If you require a drop-off in a different city, please send us an email for a Price Quote.

Why have a boring transfer from Civitavecchia to Rome when you can enjoy the magic and wonder of Rome on a Debarkation Tour from Civitavecchia?  Explore the wonders of Rome with Rome Chauffeur in the luxurious comfort of your private deluxe vehicle with your personal English-speaking chauffeur at your service.

We make exploring Rome from Civitavecchia on your disembarkation day easy, convenient, comfortable, and exciting! Your private Rome Chauffeur will pick you up from your cruise ship in Civitavecchia and drop you off at your hotel in Rome at the conclusion of your debarkation tour. Your luggage will travel with you inside your vehicle’s baggage compartment for optimal hands-free convenience.

Our post-cruise tours from Civitavecchia are perfect for couples, families, small groups traveling together, senior cruisers, cruisers with mobility concerns, and cruisers who wish to enjoy touring effortlessly!

Our private Post Cruise Eternal Rome Tour from Civitavecchia offers cruisers staying in Rome after your cruise a taste of the Eternal City exploring Rome’s enthralling historic beauty and architecture leisurely without crowded tourist attractions such as the Colosseum and Vatican that have restrictive time slot tickets and long security lines.


Post Cruise Eternal Rome Tour from Civitavecchia to Rome Chauffeur luxury tours


Bask in the glories of the ancient Roman Empire, visit Rome’s fabulous outdoor squares, behold the remarkable papal Basilica of Saint Paul Outside the Walls, and dine like a local Roman ristorante or trattoria for lunch.

Our Post Cruise Eternal Rome tour is also the perfect substitute for our Post Cruise Best of Rome in One Day when the Vatican Museums are closed, or when attraction tickets are sold out.



The vestiges of the Roman Empire abound in Rome’s historical center with iconic monuments like the Colosseum and Pantheon, and archaeological sites like the Roman Forum, and Circus Maximus. You will have the opportunity to view some of these remarkable historical landmarks on this Rome tour.

Colosseum Square - admire magnificent ancient monuments

Stroll through Colosseum Square surrounded by Rome's grand ancient Roman monuments. Colosseum Square is dominated by the iconic symbol of Rome: the Colosseum

Built in 79 AD, the Colosseum is the largest ancient amphitheater ever built and continues to be the largest standing amphitheater in the world able to accommodate 50,000-80,000 spectators.  The Colosseum was used for gladiatorial combats, re-enactments of famous battles, mock sea battles,  animal hunts, theatrical dramas, and public executions.


Private Rome Post Cruise Tours from Civitavecchia to Rome Chauffeur


The amphitheater was named the Flavian Amphitheater after the dynasty family of Emperors Vespasian and his son Titus who presided over the amphitheater’s construction. Its common name, Colosseum, is believed to derive from the colossal 30-meter-tall bronze statue of Emperor Nero (the Colossus of Nero) which stood in the proximity of the amphitheater which was previously the vestibule of Nero’s Domus Aurea.

Near the Colosseum is the unmissable Arch of Constantine.  This victory arch was erected in 315 AD to commemorate Emperor Constantine’s victory over Maxentius at the Battle of Milvian Bridge in 312 AD.


See the Roman Forum from the top of Capitoline Hill

Behold the spectacular view of the Roman Forum, Palatine Hill, and the Colosseum in the distance from a special terrace on top of Capitoline Hill. This special spot is one of the most picturesque in Rome, so don’t forget to have your camera handy!


Roman Forum Rome Post Cruise Tours from Civitavecchia Rome Chauffeur tours


The Roman Forum was a rectangular square that was the hub of Ancient Rome’s commercial, political, religious, and judicial life. The Forum was comprised of many important government buildings, temples, and victory arches whose grand ruins we can still admire today.


View the Ruins of Circus Maximus

A short distance from the Colosseum, in what used to be known as the Valley of Murcia located between Palatine Hill and Aventine Hill once stood Circus Maximus (Circo Massimo), the largest Roman chariot-racing stadium ever built. 

Debarkation Rome Tour from Civitavecchia cruise tours to Rome Chauffeur


In its former glory, the Circus Maximus became a model for circuses throughout the Roman Empire. The stadium was large enough to accommodate over 150,000 spectators gathered to view thrilling chariot races. The stadium remained in use until 549 AD, after which, it was abandoned and left to decay. Over the centuries, it was demolished so its stones could be used for new building projects in Rome.

Today, only an outline and a few small ruins remain of this ancient stadium, and the area serves as a public park. It merits a brief stop to have an idea of how big this stadium used to be and to imagine how splendid it must have been with the grand palaces on Palatine Hill serving as a spectacular backdrop.



One of the most fun-filled things to do in the Eternal City is exploring Rome’s grand outdoor piazzas: Piazza della Rotonda, the Trevi Fountain, the Spanish Steps, and Piazza Navona.

 Discover the vibrant Piazza della Rotonda with its lively atmosphere and captivating sights. At the center, a magnificent fountain adorned with an impressive obelisk stands, exuding grandeur and historical significance.


Piazza della Rotonda Post Cruise Eternal Rome tour from Civitavecchia


Admire the imposing Pantheon, the reigning architectural marvel of the square.

Surrounded by charming pastel-colored buildings, the square offers bustling open-air cafes. Take a leisurely stroll through the square, explore the area behind the circular Pantheon, uncover the Basilica of Santa Maria Sopra Minerva featuring Bernini's elephant statue carrying an Egyptian obelisk,  browse inviting shops, or indulge in a delicious gelato.

  • IMPORTANT: A visit inside the Pantheon is not included in this tour due to the difficulty of obtaining restrictive time slot tickets and potentially long entry lines that would impact your opportunity to enjoy all the other sites on this tour.


The Spanish Steps is famous for its elegantly curved 18th-century stairway that connects the Baroque Fontana della Barcaccia (Fountain of the Old Boat), at the bottom of Piazza di Spagna, to the French church of Trinita dei Monti and the Sallustiano Obelisk on top.


Private Rome tours from Civitavecchia chauffeur driven tours to Rome chauffeur


The Trevi Fountain is the most famous Baroque fountain in the world! Crowds always gather around the gushing fountain and its nautical statues for the opportunity to throw a coin over their shoulder and wish for a return visit to the Eternal City of Rome. 

From La Dolce Vita to Three Coins In A Fountain, the Trevi Fountain has been featured in many classic films. 

Debark Tours to Rome from Civitavecchia private tours Rome Chauffeur


Piazza Navona is quite a unique square as it was built on top of the 1st century AD Roman Stadium of Emperor Domitian where competitive games (agone) were held.

You can recognize the outline of the ancient stadium in the oblong shape of the square encircled by grand palazzi and the church of Sant’Agnese in Agone.  


Debarkation Tour from Civitavecchia to Rome Chauffeur Piazza Navona


Three remarkable fountains grace the Piazza Navona, the most significant being Bernini’s Fountain of the Four Rivers (Fontana del Quattro Fiumi) in center.  This elaborate fountain represents four major rivers of the known continents Renaissance Era: The Nile River (representing Africa), the Danube River (representing Europe), the Ganges River (representing Asia), and the Rio del la Plata River (representing the Americas).   On top of the fountain, a copy of an Egyptian obelisk was erected with the symbol of the Pamphili family.


Stand in reverence in St Peter’s Square

Not to be missed on our Post Cruise Eternal tour is a stop in St Peter’s Square. Defined by two massive Doric colonnades designed to “embrace” visitors in the maternal arms of the church, the elliptical square can accommodate up to 300,000 people. 


Private Post Cruise Eternal Rome Tour from Civitavecchia


St Peter’s Square faces Saint Peter’s Basilica, the largest church in Christendom. The basilica of today is not the original St Peter’s Basilica which was built in the 4th century by Emperor Constantine above the burial site of Saint Peter the Apostle.

The current Saint Peter’s Basilica was commissioned by Pope Julius II in 1506, and it was completed in 1626 during the Renaissance period. Among the great masters who contributed to this architectural wonder were Gian Lorenzo Bernini, Carlo Modeno, Michelangelo, Bramante, and Raphael.

In the center of St Peter’s Square stands a 25-meter-tall red granite Vatican Obelisk, an uninscribed ancient Egyptian obelisk that was originally erected in the ancient Egyptian city of Heliopolis.  

** If the Basilica is open for visits, or if the security lines to access the basilica are not too long, you might have the opportunity to visit St Peter's Basilica. If visiting St Peter’s Basilica, you may skip visiting the Papal Basilica of St Paul Outside the Walls unless you wish to extend your tour by the hour which can be accommodated at Per Hour Fees. Please contact us for more information.


Visit the Papal Basilica of Saint Paul Outside the Walls

Exult in a visit to the Basilica of Saint Paul Outside the Walls, one of Rome’s four major papal basilicas, and one of the Seven Pilgrim Churches of Rome.  This magnificent basilica is significantly less crowded than St Peter’s, and without the prohibitively long security lines and wait times much easier to visit.


Basilica Saint Paul Outside the Walls Post Cruise Rome Tour


The Basilica of Saint Paul Outside the Walls was originally built in the 4th century AD by the Roman Emperor Constantine over what was believed to have been the burial site of Saint Paul the Apostle. In the early 13th century, a graceful cloister and monastery were added to the Basilica’s complex. A fire nearly destroyed the basilica in the late 1880s, but thanks to Pope Leo XII's donations, the basilica was rebuilt exactly as it had been when it was new.

Upon arriving at the Basilica, you will see the welcoming quadriportico, the atrium that precedes the basilica. Surrounded by large columns, the courtyard is dominated by a large spectacular statue of Saint Paul. The facade of the basilica is embellished with glittering mosaics representing the four prophets: Jeremiah, Isaia, Ezechiel, and Danial. Twelve lambs signifying the apostles drink from four rivers that represent the gospels. 


Post Cruise Eternal Rome Tour from Civitavecchia to Rome


The elegant interior of the Basilica is comprised of colossal marble columns, spectacular mosaic portraits of all the popes from St Peter’s to John Paul II, imposing statues, and paintings.  The basilica’s main altar is surmounted by a resplendent gothic baldaquin. 

Beneath the altar is the tomb of Saint Paul. Noteworthy is the chains that bound Saint Paul when he was a prisoner in Rome from 61-63 A.D. These chains are displayed in a gold reliquary near the Apostle’s tomb.

Please NOTE that when visiting churches and religious venues in Italy, a modest dress code is required for both men and women to be granted entrance: shoulders and knees must be covered at all times. Visitors who do not comply with the modest dress code are turned away (particularly at St Peter’s Basilica)

Your day of compelling exploration in Rome concludes with your drop-off at your hotel in Rome. Thank you for booking our Post Cruise Eternal Rome Tour from Civitavecchia and choosing Rome Chauffeur for your luxury tours in Italy!  We look forward to showing you the Eternal City.

Important Information

* NOTE: 
 Please READ carefully the Important Information below, as well as Read and Accept our TERMS OF SERVICE  and PRIVACY POLICY  before booking.


The listed price of the tour is per vehicle, not per person.  Rome Chauffeur accepts online prepayment via PayPal or Credit Card during the confirmation process.


Cancellations must be made at least 7 days prior to your Date of Service. Prepaid services canceled last minute less than 7 days or are No Show on the Date of Service are NOT Refundable.

Cancellations must be made in writing via E-Mail followed by an official cancellation confirmation E-Mail from our office in order for your cancellation to be valid. Cancellations are NOT accepted by Phone, Text, Or through 3rd Party individuals such as hotel clerks, friends, or concierge services. 

* CANCELLATION FOR PREPAID SERVICES: Only NET RATE will be issued on prepaid services. Net Rate is what we receive from your prepayment after PayPal / CC takes out their fees which they don't reimburse us in case of refunds. Therefore, we are only able to refund what we receive from you after PayPal/ CC takes out their fees.


Sedans can accommodate up to 2 suitcases and up to 2 small carryons.  If you will travel with more luggage than indicated, please request a minivan upgrade at an additional rate.

Vans can accommodate a maximum of 6 suitcases and 6 small carryons.  If you will travel with more luggage than indicated, you may either require an upgrade to an even larger vehicle, or 2nd vehicle at additional costs.


POST CRUISE TOUR - starting from Civitavecchia Cruise Port:

Your professional English-speaking Tour Chauffeur will meet you on the Civitavecchia pier next to your ship holding a sign with your name at 8:00 AM with Rome hotel drop off at approximately 5:00 PM.

From the port, you will journey for approximately 90 minutes on the motorway through the countryside of Lazio into Rome.


Tour Chauffeurs speak English but chauffeurs are not licensed tour guides. Chauffeurs are prohibited by law to accompany or guide guests on foot to sightsee. Only licensed tour guides with identifiable badges are authorized to do so. Your Chauffeur will take you as close as lawfully permitted to the attractions you visit to minimize walking distance.  Chauffeurs are required by law to remain with the vehicle while guests sightsee on their own (Self Touring).


  • Allow up to 24 hours for your booking request to be processed and to receive further email correspondence from our booking specialists.
  • If you do not hear from us within 24 hours, check your spam folder and white list our email address to ensure future delivery
  • Traveling with children? Upon request, we can provide Child Safety Seats. Please include in the Message Request Box of the booking form your child safety seat request along with the number of children, their ages, and weight in kilograms.


  • Rome is a safe city to enjoy, however, always mind your belongings and valuables so as to not become a victim of pickpockets that plague most cosmopolitan cities.
  • Don't leave any bags, backpacks, cameras, wallets, or anything of value inside the vehicle cabin while you are away. Stow all your bags inside the luggage compartment of the vehicle.
  • Ladies: Travel with purses that strap across your chest, don't carry valuables in easy-to-reach purse compartments, and don't leave your purse hanging on a chair laid by your feet at restaurants. Don't travel with expensive jewelry and accessories
  • Gentlemen: Don't carry your wallet in your back pocket or anywhere that's easily accessible by pickpockets. Bring only enough cash you need for the day and 1 credit card. 
  • Wear money belts discreetly secured and tucked beneath your clothes for your money, credit cards, and passport.  Carry in your wallet or purse only small amounts you need to get you through the day.
  • Carry with you your credit card company's international number to call in case your credit card is lost or stolen.


TOUR SHARING: How to SAVE on Post Cruise tours from Civitavecchia:

Place an ad on  ad on Cruise Critic Roll Call  for your chosen date of the service. Make new friends and share your tour and fun with other like-minded travelers.